
Discover the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the 7 wonders of the world!

How exciting isn't it? One of the 7 wonders of the world is in Bodrum and it is waiting to be discovered by you.
You should visit the Halicarnassus Mausoleum Memorial Museum in Bodrum Tepecik Neighborhood. Seeing what is left of this legendary monument and listening to the mausoleum's journey to the present is the kind of activity that will help you find the meaning of immortality.
The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This magnificent work, whose ruins can be seen in Bodrum's Tepecik District, it was built between 353 BC. and 351 BC. by Mausolos, the ruler of Caria. This tomb became such a masterpiece in history that the word mausoleum (Mausoleum), derived from the name of King Mausolos, began to be used for all monumental tombs built after it. The king, who was unloved for his cruel rule when he was alive, achieved immortality thanks to his mausoleum.

Before moving on to the story of the mausoleum, let's take a brief look at who is King Mausolos.

Who was Mausolos, the cruel king of Caria?

Mausolos was never actually a king. In the 3rd century BC, the Persians took Anatolia under their sovereignty and divided Anatolia into small parts by establishing a satrapy system (a kind of governorship). Mausolos was also the satrap, that is, the governor of the Caria region, which includes Bodrum. However, he was not Persian, he was from a local and wealthy family of Caria. He obeyed the Persian ruler one hundred percent, gained his trust by keeping on good terms with him, so he managed to rule the region he was responsible for independently like a king. In fact, by attacking the neighboring satraps in the region, he enlarged the region he dominated, built a 100-piece navy, and Caria had its strongest times in his time. He married his sister Artemisia II, evacuated the surrounding cities to make Halikarnas, that is, Bodrum, the largest city in the region, and forced everyone to live in Halicarnassus.

He started the construction of the mausoleum while he was still alive, caused the death of thousands of workers during the construction, spent the wealth of Karia on this mausoleum, unfortunately he died before it could be completed. Despite this, Artemisia II, her husband and sister, and the architects who managed the construction completed the work so that a building of this beauty would not be left unfinished.

The most magnificent work of its time

The mausoleum was built in the cooperation of talented architects and sculptors, especially Pytheos and Satyros. It was completed in 353 BC. Displaying a harmonious fusion of Greek and Eastern architectural styles, the mausoleum was decorated with reliefs and exquisite sculptures depicting mythological scenes. About 45 meters (148 feet) high, this massive tomb was built on a stepped platform and had a columned entrance on each side. The roof was a pyramid, and above the pyramid was a statue of Mausolos and Artemisia in a chariot pulled by four horses.

It stood for 1500 years

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus saw the rise and fall of empires for 1500 years, and witnessed wars. Standing as a symbol of strength and resistance, the mausoleum gradually collapsed as a result of a series of earthquakes. In the 15th century, the mausoleum was destroyed when the Knights of Saint Jean (Knights of Rhodes) took over the area. The knights also built Bodrum Castle using the stones left from the mausoleum. In 1522, the Knights once again needed the stones left from the mausoleum to strengthen the Bodrum Castle. Meanwhile, the knights who discovered the entrance to the burial chamber among the piles of stones did not enter because it was evening. When they arrived the next morning, the thieves had already looted the burial chamber, leaving no treasure inside. It is written in the memoirs how the knights destroyed the statues and reliefs left from the mausoleum.

Today, you can see the remains of the mausoleum on the walls of Bodrum Castle, in the hall of Bodrum Underwater Archeology Museum and in the Halicarnassus Mausoleum Memorial Museum in Tepecik Neighborhood. The statues of King Mausolos and Artemisia II, parts of the four-horse chariot and some reliefs were unfortunately taken to the British Museum in London with the special permission of the sultan of that period. The reliefs exhibited in Bodrum museums today are plaster copies of original pieces.

Make sure to take time to explore the Halicarnassus Mausoleum and its story. Witness man's ambition to become immortal and what remains of the destructive power of time. After all, one does not encounter wonders every day.

Bodrum Mausoleum Memorial Museum

Address: Tepecik Mahallesi, 48440
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0252 -316 12 19
Opening Hour: 08:30
Closing Hour: 17:30
Counter Closing Hour: 17:00
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