
Kizkumu Beach

This is a heavenly haven that captivates hearts not solely with its stunning natural scenery, but also with its poignant narrative.
Kızkumu Beach is a marvel of nature brimming with unexpected delights. Nestled within a 2.5 km bay, this extraordinary beach initially astonishes visitors with its red sand. Moreover, the sight of individuals seemingly walking on water adds to the wonder. Legend has it that its origins stem from the tragic tale of a princess, further enhancing its allure. Adjacent to the historical Kale Island, this beach continues to mesmerize with its abundant beauty.

Welcome to Kırvasil - Orhaniye Village

Kızkumu Beach is situated within Orhaniye Village, formerly known as Kırvasil, with origins dating back to 300 BC when it was inhabited by Greeks. In the 12th century, amidst the encroachment of Turkmens into Anatolia, the villagers began to migrate, gradually transferring their lands to those who remained. Eventually, only Uncle Vasil, distinguished by his silver hair, remained as the sole landowner, leading to the village being dubbed Kırvasil. During the Ottoman era, Kırvasil once again became a settlement of Greek fishermen, but with the population exchange, the Greek inhabitants permanently migrated to the opposite shores. Subsequently, the Turks who relocated from Greece renamed the village Orhaniye.

Surrounding the village are the remnants of the ancient city of Bybassos, where the ruins of the Bybassos Temple from the Archaic and Hellenistic periods can be observed atop the hills overlooking Orhaniye Village.

Walk on the sea

Observing people seemingly walking on water at Kızkumu Beach may appear miraculous, yet it's actually a product of entirely natural processes. Due to various factors causing the adjacent rocks to transform into sand, a 600-meter pathway, measuring 3 meters wide and submerged 10 to 50 cm beneath the water, has emerged. This pathway contracts as water levels rise and expands as they recede. From afar or from an aerial perspective, it appears as though individuals are walking on the water's surface. At the onset of this pathway stands a symbolic statue depicting the princess central to the Kızkumu legend. When you come to Kızkumu, be sure to make a wish, because according to the belief among the people, the wishes of those who walk this path are accepted.

The legend of Kızkumu

Two renditions of the legend explain the origins of the submerged sandy pathway, both concluding with a tragic outcome. While both versions exist, the first one is favored for its depiction of love and passion.

• In the vicinity of Orhaniye, a young princess, daughter of the king of the ancient city of Bybassos, found love with a common fisherman. Despite their difference in status, the lovers clandestinely rendezvoused on the beach. Upon discovering their affair, the enraged king ordered soldiers to ambush and kill the fisherman. That evening, upon realizing the impending danger, the princess hurried to warn her beloved. Miraculously, with each step she took into the sea, a pathway of sand emerged beneath her feet. As she reached the fisherman's boat, a soldier's arrow intended for the fisherman tragically struck the princess instead, staining the sand crimson with her blood. Grieving, the fisherman carried the lifeless princess away, disappearing into the unknown.

• In the second version of the legend, the kingdom of Bybassos was invaded by its enemies. The princess wanted to take a shortcut to the opposite shore to save her life, so she filled her skirts with sand. Every time she sprinkled this sand into the sea, a path was created in front of her where she could take one more step. Unfortunately, halfway across, the sand ran out and the princess sank into the waters.

Stop by Castle Island

Situated in the heart of the bay across from Kızkumu Beach lies a small island called Kale Island. Here, remnants of the Bybassos Kingdom, along with a Byzantine castle and several structures, can be found. Those fortunate enough to have access to a boat or arrive at the bay via yacht have the opportunity to explore this island, where rabbits roam freely, adding to the enchantment of the day.

What's in this 2.5 km long bay?

On one side of the bay, where Kızkumu Beach resides, lies Orhaniye Village, while the opposite shores of the 2.5 km expanse are adorned with slopes adorned with lush pine trees. These trees rejuvenate the bay's air each morning, enhancing the overall atmosphere. Several marinas dot the bay, where yachts and sailboats gracefully sway in the water, resembling strings of pearls adorning the bay's neck, reminiscent of a strait. Accommodation options in the bay are limited, with offerings including bungalows, guesthouses, boutique hotels, and motels, along with a variety of dining establishments catering to diverse tastes in Orhaniye. Among the marinas, Martı Marina stands out as the largest, featuring a 5-star hotel within its premises. Renowned for its pristine waters, Martı Marina holds the distinction of being Turkey's inaugural marina where swimming is permitted. Adjacent to the marina and hotel structures lie the remnants of a Byzantine monastery, showcasing mosaics of notable significance.

There is Turgutlu Waterfall 2.5 km away from Orhaniye. It is possible to swim and cool off in the natural pool where this small waterfall in the greenery spills, keep in mind.

Transportation to Kızkumu Beach

The road distance between Orhaniye and Marmaris spans 29 kilometers, approximately a 34-minute drive. However, traversing this distance by sea from Marmaris presents a significantly longer journey due to the intricate geography of the peninsula. Nevertheless, opting for yacht charter offers considerable advantages, as there are numerous stunning bays to explore from Marmaris to Datça. If time constraints arise, the yacht rental service can conveniently transport you directly to Kızkumu Beach, ensuring an unforgettable and crowd-free vacation experience on the sea.
Marmaris Rental Yachts
Nevra Queen
  • 40 m
  • 10 Cabin
  • Cruise 20 Persons
  • 10 Bathroom
€ 7,000
/ Day
Grande Mare
  • 34 m
  • 6 Cabin
  • Cruise 12 Persons
  • 6 Bathroom
€ 4,000
/ Day
Bella Mare
  • 38 m
  • 6 Cabin
  • Cruise 12 Persons
  • 6 Bathroom
€ 7,000
/ Day
  • 42 m
  • 5 Cabin
  • Cruise 10 Persons
  • 5 Bathroom
€ 13,000
/ Day
White Soul
  • 38 m
  • 5 Cabin
  • Cruise 10 Persons
  • 5 Bathroom
€ 5,750
/ Day
Mio Vento
  • 28 m
  • 4 Cabin
  • Cruise 9 Persons
  • 4 Bathroom
€ 2,000
/ Day
Sea Lion 2
  • 30 m
  • 5 Cabin
  • Cruise 12 Persons
  • 5 Bathroom
€ 7,000
/ Day
Dea Del Mare
  • 28 m
  • 5 Cabin
  • Cruise 10 Persons
  • 5 Bathroom
€ 3,300
/ Day