
Kille Bay

In and around Gocek, there are numerous bays, each boasting such beauty that it rivals the others. Among these, Kille Bay stands out as one of the most family-friendly options.
Kille Bay, nestled between Boynuzbuku and Taskaya Bay (also known as Bedri Rahmi Eyuboglu Bay), is a natural marvel that offers a glimpse into the Mediterranean's splendor. When observed from above, the bay's enclosing ends form a distinctive C letter. These rocky, forested ends create an intimate, secluded atmosphere, shielding the bay from the outside world.
As you drive towards Kille Bay, the road descends gracefully towards the sea, offering a breathtaking view even before you reach the shoreline. This majestic sight will instantly captivate your heart. Surrounded by pine-clad hills and neighboring bays, you'll find yourself yearning to linger here indefinitely, immersed in the tranquility of the surroundings.

From Kille bay, you can take a half-hour walk to Boynuzbuku Bay or Bedri Rahmi Bay, take photos of the goats that cross your path and refresh yourself with the fresh air of the pine forests.

The beach of Kille Bay is pebbly, but the sea is sand

Kille Bay features a lengthy beach covered in small pebbles, which, despite the initial impression, are clean and gentle on the feet. Unlike sand, these pebbles provide a preferable alternative, especially for those bothered by sand clinging to their feet. Nonetheless, it's advisable to bring along beach shoes for added comfort.

Just a meter or two into the sea, the small pebbles that blanket Kille beach transition into fine sand, offering a soft and seaweed-free seabed for water activities. Additionally, the depth of the sea gradually increases, reaching only about the height of an average person after approximately 10 meters from the shore.

Those who do not like cold sea should go to Kille Bay!

The sea temperature in Kille Bay is particularly favorable, making it ideal for families with children. Neither too cold nor too hot, it offers a comfortable environment for prolonged water activities. With its pristine and transparent waters, Kille Bay warmly welcomes those seeking to enjoy an extended stay in the sea.

Kille Bay is also a favorite of yachtsmen

Due to its expansive size, Kille Bay is an excellent choice for yacht charters or those embarking on blue cruises. While daily boat tours typically dock at the adjacent Bedri Rahmi Bay, this ensures that both land-based visitors and those aboard boats can appreciate Kille Bay in serene tranquility.

The management of Kille Beach belongs to Dalaman Municipality!

Kille Bay's beach is managed by the Dalaman Municipality. Arriving by private car from the highway, you'll encounter a small entrance fee station located 500 meters before reaching the bay. Following a short drive, you'll arrive at the spacious and well-organized parking area. From there, it's a brief walk to access the sea. Rest assured, the parking facilities are ample and efficiently managed, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Upon arrival at the beach, you'll be greeted by the municipality facility, which offers amenities such as umbrellas, sunbeds, showers, and toilets. Additionally, food and beverage services are provided. While the setting may not be luxurious or extravagant, being a municipal establishment, the staff is friendly and accommodating. The advantage of municipal ownership ensures adherence to hygiene regulations, providing peace of mind for visitors. Furthermore, the facility offers a more budget-friendly option compared to private businesses in other bays.

If you prefer not to utilize the facility, both ends of Kille Bay are available at no cost. You can enjoy spending time amidst nature under the shade of trees and still have access to the sea. Nevertheless, the services offered by the municipality's facility are budget-friendly, ensuring that economic concerns need not compromise comfort.

For those wondering if there is a campsite

You have the option to pitch a tent in the secluded areas within Kille Bay or bring a caravan for a multi-night stay. While there's a designated area for caravan parking, there isn't specific infrastructure catering to campers and caravaners. If you seek amenities, you'll need to arrange for them independently. Additionally, be aware that mosquitoes are common in the evenings, so it's advisable to take necessary precautions against them.

Transportation to Kille Bay

To Kille Bay
-Gocek 19 km
-Dalaman 20 km
-Fethiye 46 km
-Koycegiz is 44 km away.

There is no public transportation available, such as minibuses or buses, to reach Kille Bay. Previously, the roads were in poor condition, mainly consisting of dirt or gravel. However, there has been significant improvement, with most roads now paved with asphalt. Despite this, some roads remain narrow, winding, and uneven. It's advisable to exercise caution while driving along these routes.

If you are coming from Fethiye side with your private car, you need to turn to Kille road after passing Gocek Tunnel. If you are coming from Koycegiz road, you should turn right before entering Gocek Tunnel and proceed towards Kille Bay.

For those who want to rent a yacht, Kille Bay is about 5 miles (9 kilometers) from Gocek.
Gocek Rental Yachts
Esma Sultan
  • 42 m
  • 7 Cabin
  • Cruise 14 Persons
  • 7 Bathroom
€ 5,750
/ Day
Angelo 2
  • 35 m
  • 7 Cabin
  • Cruise 14 Persons
  • 7 Bathroom
€ 3,750
/ Day
Perla Del Mare
  • 42 m
  • 6 Cabin
  • Cruise 12 Persons
  • 6 Bathroom
€ 9,250
/ Day
  • 24 m
  • 4 Cabin
  • Cruise 8 Persons
  • 4 Bathroom
€ 2,250
/ Day
  • 28 m
  • 4 Cabin
  • Cruise 8 Persons
  • 4 Bathroom
€ 4,000
/ Day
  • 40 m
  • 6 Cabin
  • Cruise 12 Persons
  • 6 Bathroom
€ 11,250
/ Day
  • 32 m
  • 4 Cabin
  • Cruise 8 Persons
  • 4 Bathroom
€ 5,400
/ Day